Online Classes are Coming Back in the New Year!

Just The Good Stuff

Core Class

Saturdays 9-10 am PST

This class focuses on what I consider “the basics” of core stability and balance. Foundational exercises that challenge large and small muscle groups throughout the whole body in a way that is not only profoundly challenging if done correctly, but also easy to access for people at any fitness level. My hope is that once you have these exercises solid in your body you can take this stability to all of your other activities and workout routines. Building up these basics ensures you have a balanced foundation, a good connection with your body and your own abilities, and prevents strain and injury.

We typically work our way through all positions: on our back, all 4’s position, standing, side lying, and prone (on belly). So you do need to be able to move around a bit.

Equipment Needed: Mat and a foam roller (some rolling at the end) used in almost every class. We often use a yoga block (or something to squeeze between knees). And occasionally we use a Gertie ball (half deflated 8-10” ball).

Roll & Release

Integrated Fascial Release (IFR)

Whole Body Guided Release Class

Tuesday’s 5-6:30 pm PST

This is a 90 min guided fascial release class. The majority of each class is spent on the mat, rolling and releasing, working our way through the body.

My intention with these classes is not only to help guide you through decreasing pain and tightness in your own body but also to help you forge a deeper connection with your system. I believe that through fascial release we can increase the connection and the channels of feedback between our mind and our body.

Equipment Needed: Mat, foam roller, and a variety of massage balls. My preferred “go-to” balls are the WIT ball (found on the product page of this site) as the firmer option. Then the Yamuna blue or black ball as the softer version. That can be found HERE. And occasionally we use a Gertie ball (half deflated 8-10” ball), and a yoga block.