What people are saying.

  • Treating The Whole

    “Kristin is an incredible PT, but I also believe she’s an amazing healer and teacher. I’m a former ballerina with quite a history of soft tissue injuries and ensuing compensation injuries, so I’m no stranger to PT. Kristin’s worked on my body for the past 8 years, and she stands out from the crowd by treating the body as an entire system. Unless you treat the body as a whole, you miss the chance to truly remedy the actual cause of the symptoms and prevent the cascade of compensation injuries that so often occur during healing. With every injury that Kristin healed for me, I learned about my own body mechanics vs. proper movement, so I could truly heal and strengthen in the long run. I can’t recommend Kristin highly enough. She is the silver lining to the cloud of injury, because under her care you’ll be healed, educated and back on your feet in a way that should keep you healthy longer.”

    — LORNA M. San Francisco

  • Re-Alignment

    “Kristin is miracle worker! I was having a weird problem where my hip felt like it was falling out of the socket every time I tried to walk. It was very debilitating. Kristin diagnosed it as a pelvic misalignment (something I would have never thought of!) and fixed me in one session. She’s also been amazing at helping with back pain as well. Couldn’t recommend her more highly as a physical therapist.”


  • Avoid Sugery

    “Some years ago, I think about 2004, due to repetitive stress (from writing and such) my hands were so cramped up that I could not write, I could not tie my own shoes, I could not even button my own buttons. All Kaiser could suggest was surgery. Instead, I consulted Kristin, who worked on loosening up the knots; she had the expertise to loosen up tension all the way up my arms to neck, shoulders, and everything else contributing to the congestion and tightness. In short order, my hands were freed up to move, and she taught me the exercises necessary to keep the mobility she provided me able to continue, which it has for 10 years now. I highly recommend Kristin for her expertise, her uncanny knowledge of how to open up any and all “stuck” places, as well as to teach those who consult her how to maintain the benefits she offers.”


  • Individualized Treatment

    "Kristin is a unique physical therapist. While she shares the goals of client rehabilitation and improved functioning with her colleagues, her treatment approach goes well beyond these goals. In consultation with each client, Kristin develops a highly individualized treatment plan which includes educating the client about the physical mechanics of the body that underlie their treatment needs. Kristin’s ultimate goal is to teach each client techniques and methods for self-care which they can use when physical issues arise. I came to Kristin after my physical therapist agreed with me that the multiple rounds of conventional physical therapy—he demonstrated exercises for me to do at home- had not moved the needle on my pain or functionality. Kristin was able to quickly provide a diagnosis that made sense to me and we worked diligently together to resolve my pain and functioning. Along the way Kristin taught me various techniques and tools using a foam roller, therapy balls and bands, which allowed me to self-treat. This is critically important to me as I travel extensively on journeys that require significant physical exertion. I am no longer afraid to embark on a new adventure. I am confident that the techniques and tools Kristin has shown me, which are the first things to go in my suitcase, will allow me to fully experience my passion for travel. I can say without exaggeration that Kristin has set me free."

    — ANN, AGE 67 SF

  • So Much More Than PT

    "Kristin Jamieson works her magic, encompassing so much more than PT. She has helped to enhance my physical approach to the violin and I value her deep understanding of the delicate process of strengthening, flexibility and healing."


  • Self-Care

    "After 20+years of not running, I decided a few years back that I would take on the challenge of training for a half-marathon. I came to the training with a bit too much enthusiasm, simple yoga stretches and no myofascial work and, as a result, ended up with bilateral plantar fasciitis. It took a full year for the symptoms and pain to settle down to a low-grade level.

    After another full 12 months, I decided it was time to re-try training only this round, I wanted to be pain and injury-free. Right at the start of my training, I went to Kristin for physical therapy and an assessment of whether or not running was even a good thing for my body. She re-explained to me the benefits and differences between simple yoga stretching and regular myofascial release via foam rolling.

    I inserted daily myofascial release (via foam rolling, the stick, and TP quad and ball) into my training routine, sometimes for only 5 minutes per day, and as a result, found that my recovery felt faster and easier. Any tight spots in my calves could be rolled out and my stride the next day would be more efficient as a result. My plantar fasciitis tendency remained at bay and I was able to keep my quads, hamstrings, and IT band strong yet flexible as well. I fully attribute this to consistent, regular myofascial release."


  • Maintainence

    "I do a lot of CrossFit and was having hip pain (likely hip impingement) that prevented me from doing what I love to do. My coach recommended I see Kristin. With one session, the acute pain was gone. Kristin gave me a reasonable list of exercises to do and took the time to explain some of the body mechanics principles so I understood what was going on. I like that Kristin spends the entire session working on you. She is not the type of PT who stands there telling you to do exercises for an hour, which you promptly forget. Since I train hard, I choose to see Kristin about once a month in maintenance mode. I can't recommend her highly enough. She not only helped to solve my problem but also taught me a ton about how the body should move and how to improve my movements."




    "Committing to these classes has really gotten me to a place of wanting to roll every day because I am seeing actual results. Having the extra time to dedicate has healed a chronic pain I've had for years and significantly reduced discomfort in other areas of my body. Plus it's fun seeing everyone! I don't miss being in the studio at all actually!

    Thanks, Kristin, Your teaching style is so clear and accessible and I have learned so many new techniques to release tight areas especially after spending more time on the computer these days. It has empowered me to add moves to my exercise routine even if I only have 10 minutes I can use the WIT ball and the results are almost immediate."

    ~ CLAUDIA C.


    "My job fabricating soft goods involves the use of both a sewing machine and hand tools all day, every day. My hands, arms, and shoulders are in constant use and I sometimes experience pain. Through Kristin’s treatments and counsel over the last three years I’ve learned stretching exercises, task-variation skills and self-care therapies to reduce the occurrence of pain in the course of my work. I often use the WIT Wall and ball to reduce inflammation in my shoulders and neck area. She has also introduced us to other physical therapy tools to both reduce pain and discomfort, and to prevent it from starting.

    My time with Kristin’s advice, instruction and therapeutic tools has much improved in my overall physical condition related to my work and life."

    ~ Stephen, employee