Bearing Witness
It made me think about our bodies, our pain, our discomfort- our relationship with ourselves. The importance of simply bearing witness - acknowledging what is happening. In my practice, I think so much healing happens with people simply because together we make space for their pain and discomfort. We talk about it, and we may not know what needs to be done about it yet, but the awareness is there- we witness it.
Our Most Important Partner In This Life!
This is the most important partnership that exists in your life. This body- is your ULTIMATE TOOL. It is what allows you to do all of the things you do. It is how you do your job, your hobbies, and how you care for your family. How you love and relate. When this tool stops working- we are NOT able to do the things we want and need to do. There is nothing more important than caring for this body, this self. If we are not resourced, we cannot be a resource for others.
Meeting Yourself Where You Are
I cannot overstate the importance of MEETING YOURSELF WHERE YOU ARE in each moment. Dropping the narratives and the storylines about what you SHOULD be able to do or what you USED to be able to do. What is your body telling you you CAN DO- right now, at this moment??
Cooking & Maintenance of Our Bodies- The idea of repetitive inquiry!
What if we approached the care of the body more like cooking? If you can engage in repetitive inquiry, you can turn down the temperature a bit and keep your meal on track before everything burns!
Embracing BOTH AND
How do we hold both? How do we BOTH seek change, AND accept what is? How do we both want to eat better, but also accept the fact that we just finished the rest of the holiday cookies? How do we both want to work out more, and accept our bodies just the way they are? How do we both want to earn more money and accept the abundance we already have?
A Note About Presence
Awareness in an OPEN FOCUS, a wide angle lens. it's blurry and soft, it sees the whole picture.
Attention is focused, sharp, and pinpoint.