Meeting Yourself Where You Are

You have to try to meet yourself where you are at every given moment. 

Let’s say you go for a run, and 2 miles in, you feel exhausted, and everything hurts. But the narrative running in your head is, “this is so weird, yesterday I went 5 miles easy, I SHOULD be able to do this”.

Or you are in a yoga class, holding a pose, and your hip is talking to you. Still, the narrative in your head is saying, “that person next to me is older than me, and THEY can hold this pose- I SHOULD be able to do this.”

As someone that works daily with people overcoming injuries, I cannot overstate the importance of MEETING YOURSELF WHERE YOU ARE in each moment. Dropping the narratives and the storylines about what you SHOULD be able to do or what you USED to be able to do. What is your body telling you you CAN DO- right now, at this moment?? Our systems shift and change all the time depending on so many factors. How much sleep we got, how much stress we are under, what we ate/didn’t eat, how hydrated we are, not to mention the state of the world and the collective energy all around us.

Having an ongoing dialogue with your system and learning to gauge when you can push a little bit and when you need to rest is crucial for your well-being. It takes attempting (because it is never easy) to drop the storylines and checking in to what is true at this moment.


Our Most Important Partner In This Life!


Cooking & Maintenance of Our Bodies- The idea of repetitive inquiry!